Birthdays etc.
Alec's 42nd birthday
Simon's birthday
Siân's 42nd birthday
Hannah-May & Matt R's 11th (steel) wedding anniversary
(send greetings via Matt R)
Kit's 45th birthday
JTA's 40th birthday
22 years today since Troma Night I
Rory's 44th birthday
Bryn's 42nd birthday
(send greetings via a non-Abnib channel)
Emlyn's birthday
- iCalendar feed: works with most calendar apps. Download for a year's worth of birthdays, subscribe for live updates.
- RSS/Atom feed: reminders on birthdays and other events and a day and a week ahead of birthdays. Subscribe with your feed reader or use an RSS-to-email solution like Blogtrottr to feed your Inbox.
- Reminders are also automatically propogated to the
channel on Abnib Discord. - h-event clients can subscribe directly to this page.
Help keep this page and its feeds accurate. Submit pull requests to this file on Github to add/edit data.
See also...
- Abnib Hangouts, for our virtual get-togethers
- Abnib Shop, as endorsed by Dolly Parton
- Quote of the Day, a vestige of the RockMonkey wiki
Jen, Get Back To Work!(mirror)- Jen's Recipe Generator, to suggest your next meal
- RockMonkey Wiki, Archive Edition - downloadable copy of a late version of the RockMonkey Wiki for you to enjoy offline
-, which doesn't do much any more but can give you instant disposable email addresses
What is this?
If you need to know, you already do.
If you don't, you probably don't.
If you don't fall into either of the two categories above... then I'm very confused.
Go throw a sponge or something.